
My name is Norah Vii and this is my blog and portfolio page. My intent here is to share essays and thoughts I think are interesting or uncommon, as well as personal programming projects. There are many things in the world of computer science I do not know how to do, however I am working towards building a skill set which is already enhancing my ability to do (and help with) research.

Maybe if I am lucky I will start a trend where academic writers use markdown more than pdf. At the moment I think it is very cool that markdown is easy to read and supports LaTeX. Before I ventured into the world of programming in 2020 I would speed-listen to text primarily, which is how I gathered the connections and interests that guide my interests going forward, because I had visual snow syndrome. If you would like to support me, donations are appreciated via the link provided here.

Thanks for stopping by,
Norah Vii (she/her/they)